3 Reasons Why New Moms Need A Moment to Declutter

1) Having a baby comes with so. much. stuff.

If you recently had a baby, it’s safe to say that you are now swimming in baby gear.

The registry, the hand-me-downs, the midnight (freak out) online purchases…they all add up to more things in your house that you need to keep track of.

Now is a perfect time to press pause on the in-flow, and make some meaningful progress to clear out the items you no longer need or your baby didn’t use.

Raising babies is a phase of life that comes with stuff, there’s no way around that, but it can feel easier, and it will feel easier with less stuff to manage.

Let’s get to that a clean slate!

2) Your mind is being pulled in a million directions.

Your mental capacity is at it’s max.

You are absorbed with nap schedules, keeping track of wake windows, when to feed your baby, how to feed yourself (food for me? What?), and might even be back at work.

You don’t have the mental bandwidth to spend effort looking for that one pair of pants that you actually feel good in.

You need your go-to clothing at your fingertips, you need your favorite kitchen tools accessible and at-the-ready, and you need to be able to swiftly find your baby’s #1 teething toy before getting into the car.

Decluttering your space will give you a clarity of mind so that you can tackle the ups and down of early parenthood with more resilience and ease.

3) You don’t have extra time to waste.

Clutter is a time-suck; plain and simple.

And I would argue that even the things that aren’t technically clutter but are still kinda…extra? Also a time-suck.

As a new mom your time is already spoken for. Even with the most helpful partner / best childcare / support system, you just have a lot going on.

Having a streamlined home will save you time.

And while decluttering does take time to complete, yes, it’s more of a “slow-down-to-speed-up” situation.

Front-load some focused time to declutter now and your future self will say, “OMG thank you!” down the road.

These are just some of the reasons I created New Minimal Mom, an online decluttering bootcamp to get you decluttered and feeling great about your home in just 3 days.


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