What New Moms Get Wrong About Decluttering

You know what is the #1 Misconception when it comes to decluttering for new moms?

“Um, I’m a new mom. I don’t have time to declutter.”

Girl, I hear you. Time has never been more valuable than it is right this moment.

And let’s acknowledge that you are doing what you can, with what you got. And you are doing a great job, in fact!

But as a new mom, you can’t afford to not declutter, and here’s why.

It is precisely because time is so important that you need a streamlined home. Because a home that functions well for you ultimately saves you time in the end.

One of my favorites sayings is, “Sometimes you have to slow down to speed up”.

I love it because it so perfectly encapsulates the essence of why declutter in the first place. You first need to slow down, declutter all your crap, and then you can *effortlessly cruise through your subsequent days.

*You know, as effortlessly as is possible, given all the ups and downs that come with motherhood.

As a new mom, I looked at time so differently.

Between feeding, napping, and healing my own body, it took more hours than working a full-time job just to care for myself and my little one. Where did all the time go?

And that is why I was so relieved to have a streamlined home that was working for me, rather than against me.

With all the beautiful mess that was surrounding me, I still felt at peace in our home. Despite all the tough stuff, like the constant pumping and washing pumping parts and breast feeding and no sleep, it surprisingly still felt manageable. I fully credit the streamlined home as helping me and my family through the tough early months.

Having a streamlined home meant I could find what I needed, when I needed it. And because I wasn’t surrounded by excess clutter, I could more clearly focus on what was in front of me (baby girl!), what was presently happening in my world (tummy time!).

This is exactly why as a new mom, you need your home to be serving and supporting you.


The Surprising Effect of Decluttering Toys